I've been going through a "I should be prepared for a unexpected event" fad as of late. Maybe it's from the impending doom of the American Dollar crashing, reading too many Every Day Carry blogs, or maybe it's the new AMC show The Walking Dead that's got me all freaked out. The problem with "being prepared" is walking around like a dork wearing tactical gear with too many pockets. I've also tried to minimize carrying my bookbag around. So when I see things that can allow me to be prepared, but defy the tactical gear look I'll post it here. Here's product Number 1, the 686 Original Snow Toolbelt. It has a built in bottle opener in the buckle, 2 prongs in the buckle made up of a flathead screwdriver and a phillipshead screwdriver, a belt loop with 3 wrenches (8mm, 10mm, and 11mm). Available in Punk Rock studded belt (Rocker Stud Snow Toolbelt) and Work friendly (Original Snow Toolbelt) versions. Get it for $40 at 686.

(Source: Cool Materials)